# Installation

To get the GoComponents CSS library installed, your project will have to be connected to the right private npm registry.

To find out more, speak to a member of the GoComponents Team.

# Setup

To install the latest copy of the CSS library, navigate to the root of your app, where the package.json file is.

Run this command:

$ npm install @gocomponents/css

# CSS library

GoComponents CSS library should be installed as a main dependency and appear in your package.json file.

Once the GoComponents CSS library is installed, you will be able to add available .css files to expose classes/styles to your application.

List of available css files:

  • all.min.css (components & utility classes)

In order to use the CSS files, we recommend you inject them globally into your application, they will then be available in all of your components / layouts.

# SCSS Toolkit

To make use of the SCSS toolkit, simply import the toolkit.scss file into your SCSS project. We recommend importing it before your projects SCSS in your main or global SCSS file.

@charset "UTF-8";

// SCSS Toolkit
// Depending on the loader / compiler your project uses, the path to 
// your node_modules folder may need to be relative.
@import "@gocomponents/css/scss/toolkit.scss";

// Project files
@import "./global/reset";
@import "./global/base";

@import "./components/card";
@import "./components/fieldset-panel";
@import "./components/fieldset-panel-section";
@import "./components/fieldset-panel-info-section";
@import "./components/header";
@import "./components/footer";
@import "./components/selection-buttons";
@import "./components/modal";
@import "./components/address-lookup";

@import "./pages/error";
@import "./pages/ui-docs";