# Input

This page contains all possible variations of the VUE input component.

Use inputs when it is necessary to accept data from the user.

# Getting and Setting

As with most Vue input components, you have two options for setting the current GocoInput value and also returning the value on input event changes:

  • Native v-model works for basic two-way data binding on form elements. This is essentially just 'syntax sugar' and requires less code than the alternative approach.
  • The alternative approach is that you manually update the components data via an event change on the input. Useful if you're using state management libraries such as Vuex.

# Using v-model

Using v-model with GocoInput is simple to implement, this can be used to sync values with a parent:

  data() {
    return {
      value: ""


Note that id is a required prop and should always be explicitly set.

# Using Props and Events

If you're using a state management library such as Vuex, you'll need to trigger a mutation using the Vuex API instead of updating the data on a component level.

The input exposes the value prop and an input event to enable this. You can bind the input value with :value="value", and use the input event to trigger a mutation or dispatch an action.

  data() {
    return {
      value: ""
  methods: {
    setInputValue(value) {
      //  trigger a mutation, or dispatch an action  

# Default

<GocoInput id="input-default" label="Input label" />

# Sizes

# Small

<GocoInput id="input-default" label="Input label" size="small" />

# Dark

<GocoInput id="input-dark" label="Input label" dark />

# Prefix

<GocoInput id="input-prefix" label="Input label" prefix="£" />

# Suffix

<GocoInput id="input-suffix" label="Input label" suffix="Kwh" />

# With Icon

Add an icon inside the input.

# Left Icon

<GocoInput id="input-icon-left" label="Input label" icon="search" icon-position="left" />

# Right Icon

<GocoInput id="input-icon-right" label="Input label" icon="search" icon-position="right" />

# Component props

Prop Type Default Description
id String Adds an ID to the input and label 'for' attribute.
label String Adds a label with text above the input.
dark Boolean false Change input to a dark theme for use on light backgrounds.
prefix String Adds prefix text inside the input.
suffix String Adds suffix text inside the input.
icon String Adds an icon inside the input.
iconPosition String Set icon alignment. Available options are left and right
size String Change the size of the input. Available option is small