# Select

The GocoSelect component renders a select input and allows users to choose an option from a list. This page contains all possible variations of the GocoSelect component.

# Default

A basic implementation of GocoSelect.

The options value $page.frontmatter.options is explained in the next section and is for demonstration purposes.


# Options

Populating GocoSelect with a list of options is done so via the options prop - this is a required prop. It accepts an array of options and the format for the array is documented below.

# Example Implementation

The options prop accepts an array of objects, and each object must have keys for name and value. The values for these keys can be whatever is suitable for the implementation, but here's an example:


The keys name and value are mandatory key names for each object, ensure these are set correctly or the implementation will not work.

Each object can contain additional key/value pairs but these will simply be ignored. You may wish to include these however if you need them in your data set for other purposes.

$page.frontmatter.options is declared in this way as it allows us to reference the same data set on each GocoSelect example found on this page. In practice, you can use whatever variable name you wish.

$page.frontmatter.options = [
    name: "Item 1",
    value: "item-1"
    name: "Item 2",
    value: "item-2"
    name: "Item 3",
    value: "item-3",

# Getting and Setting

As with most Vue input components, you have two options for setting the current GocoSelect value and also returning the value on input event changes:

  • Native v-model works for basic two-way data binding on form elements. This is essentially just 'syntax sugar' and requires less code than the alternative approach.
  • The alternative approach is that you manually update the components data via an event change on the input. Useful if you're using state management libraries such as Vuex.

Both of the above approaches are covered in the next section.


GocoSelect has v-model support thanks to a baked in event emitter (this.$emit). The event name for GocoSelect is called changed when a user chooses an option.

# Using v-model

Using v-model with GocoSelect is simple to implement, this can be used to sync values with a parent:



v-model will ignore the initial value, checked, or selected attributes found on any form elements. It will always treat the Vue instance data as the source of truth. You should declare the initial value on the JavaScript side, inside the data option of your component like so:

  data() {
    return {
      // Assumes we want to set the first option as the default
      selected: options[0]

# Using Props and Events

If you're using a state management library such as Vuex, you'll need to trigger a mutation using the Vuex API instead of updating the data on a component level.

GocoSelect has two props to handle event changes and data. These are:

  • selectedOption: Assign the value of the currently selected option
  • changed: Assign a component method to accept the change event. Then trigger a mutation or dispatch and action.

A simple implementation could look like the following:


The component JS would be:

  data() {
    return {
      options: [{name: "foo", value: "bar"}, {name: "foo2", value: "bar2"}]
  computed: {
    selectedOption() {
      return this.$store.getters.selected; // ex. {name: "foo2", value: "bar2"}
  methods: {
    setSelectedOption(option) {
      //  trigger a mutation, or dispatch an action  

# Placeholder

The optional placeholder prop accepts an object and assigns its values as the first option within GocoSelect. It is always inserted as the first option within a given list of options.

# Key Value Pairs for Placeholder

Key Type Desc
name string The value that the placeholder should display, e.g "Choose engine transmission"
disabled boolean Set whether the placeholder value should be disabled. Disabled means the user will not be able to select it as a value after they've chosen an initial option. Useful for select boxes that are required fields


The first option that gets inserted via placeholder always has a value of null. It's not considered a viable option that a user would select - just a default option shown on component render.

# Example Implementation

The below implementation shows how the placeholder prop can be assigned and the expected output.

  $page.frontmatter.placeholder = {
    name: "Please choose an option",
    disabled: true

# Output

GocoSelect will render the following on the front-end:

<select class="goco-c-select">
  <option value="null" disabled="disabled" selected>Please choose an option</option>
  <option value="item-1">Item 1</option>
  <option value="item-2">Item 2</option>
  <option value="item-3">Item 3</option>

# Sizes

# Small


# Dark

An optional dark prop can be used to alter the colour of the select to a dark variant.


# Component props

Prop Type Default Description
options Array Populate GocoSelect with an array of options.
placeholder Object Insert a placeholder object at the start of the options array, options handled via object
dark Boolean false Change input to a dark theme for use on light backgrounds.
size String Change the size of the select. Available option is small